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Cover for Cunning Stunts
Cunning Stunts

Cunning Stunts

Donated $427k + to 40 local charities. Awarded Byron Shire community event. PARTY with a CONSCIENCE.

Cunning Stunts was live.
Cunning Stunts
Tickets available at the door cash only ! Nudge on perfect weather for a dance ! ... See MoreSee Less
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TODAY - NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK entry from 4pm - 9:30pm.TICKETS ONLINE till 4pm then $60 CASH ONLY for any left for the door. Use Tixel only for resales.🎟️ Lucky Last Bird TICKETS -> cant wait to dance today, It's NUDGING time. Arrive early, avoid any peak queues, score the best park and enjoy more music. Nudgettiquette Remember love your fellow Nudgers like they are brothers and sisters. We aim to make our events inclusive for everyone. Parking is best obtained on the industry estate. NO SMOKING in the shed or the dance stage, respect All NUDGERS young & old. The shed is a sacred dance space – PLEASE ONLY smoke / vape outside - away from dance areas, where there is plenty of space. Have your tickets printed or on a readable screen to make entry seamless and maximise NUDGING. Make sure you know the name of the person who you bought TICKETS from in case of any scanning issues. We can only look up original order names for any Tixel purchases which is the only supported resale platform. PLEASE only sell or buy on Tixel and don't buy privately as you will most likely get scammed. Avoid any messages comments or posts regarding people selling tickets as they are all scammers. See you on the floor today and come early for the few tickets we will have at the door - cash only.Peace, love, unity and respect.Party responsibly and look out for each other 🙂Let's do this and NUDGE ONHAPPY MARDI GRAS ... See MoreSee Less
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Nudge Nudge Wink Wink - Limited Lucky Last Bird TICKETS almost flown < 10% left. TICKETS available ONLINE to 4pm. Any left for the door $60 cash only from 4pm. Supporting Queer Family 🌈🎟️ Last TICKETS -> ... See MoreSee Less
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Cunning Stunts updated their cover photo.
Cunning Stunts
HAPPY MARDI GRAS - Nudge Nudge Wink Wink - Pob & Sahaja - Last FEW Tickets. Supporting Queer Family. 🌈 🎟️ Lucky Last Bird TICKETS -> ... See MoreSee Less
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Nudge Nudge Wink Wink - Pob & Sahaja - Last FEW Tickets.Supporting Queer Family. 🌈 The Billinudgel Hotel Sat Mar 1🎟️ Lucky Last Bird TICKETS -> ... See MoreSee Less
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