SHIFT into FUNdraising mode with Nudge Nudge Wink Wink, Sunday Feburary 4th 2018 !
SHIFT into FUNdraising mode with the Cunning Stunts at their Sold Out February 4th event, where Nudge Nudge Wink Wink is raising money for The SHIFT Project. Based in Byron Bay, SHIFT supports women through the challenges from homelessness to independence. SHIFT addresses the gap following a crisis and empowers women to reconnect with their life. Their focus is on recognising their vulnerability and the importance of addressing wellbeing from a holistic perspective, to create a long-term sustainable SHIFT towards stability and re-connection with the community.
February’s DJ line up will have you frolicking and boogieing non-stop: Returning for his 2nd Nudge, Internationally renowned House DJ Scott Pullen travelling over from his new home base in Bali, beloved Byron area resident, Australian music icon, and Nudge regular DJ Stephen Allkins, and the Cunning Stunts resident DJs Lord Sut & Dale Stephen! All donating their time and playing their incredible tunes as we shift into fun and raise awareness at the party with a conscience.

Having donated a record breaking $12,000 from their January 2018 event and now raising over $107,000!!! thus far for local charities across 22 events, Cunning Stunts Nudge Nudge Wink Wink FUNdraising events continue to raise the bar.

The Nudge Nudge Wink Wink is a TICKETED monthly event running from September – June that brings the community together in an all-inclusive way, whilst raising much needed funding for beloved and deserving local charities that help improve the lives of Northern NSW residents. Food, entertainment, an outside bar and amazing raffle prizes all contribute to this special event the first Sunday of the month has become.
Fundraising at their events is raised through ticket sales, vendor and attendees’ donations, sponsors, merchandise sales and the selling of raffle tickets. 100% of profits donated to local well deserving charities. To ensure you get advance notification of ticket sales, sign up to their e-newsletter here